After you sign up as a volunteer, you will get email notifications when we have volunteer activities available. We have many opportunities throughout the year. We also post volunteer opportunities in our e-newsletters, which you will also receive.
Descriptions of our volunteer activities are here.
Do you have kid-friendly volunteer opportunities?
We sure do. Our River Roundups, Stonefly Search, Adopt-a-Stormdrain, and river cleanups are all family friendly! Of course kids excel at different types of activities. Make sure to read more about each event before signing up to see if it’s a good match for your kiddo.
Do I need my own gear?
Nope! HRWC provides all specialized equipment and gear for all volunteer activities. Some volunteers prefer their own, but it’s not necessary. It is best to dress appropriately to be in the field and to check out weather conditions before heading out. Bring water, snacks, and insect repellent if you need it.
Will I need a car?
Not necessarily. Nearly all HRWC activities occur in the field. Getting to the field sites requires a vehicle, but we’re typically able to find another volunteer who can give you a ride. At our office, we have bike racks if you want to bike to meet up with your team.
Do I need to be a scientist?
Not at all, especially since everyone is a budding scientist! And we’re more than happy to help you learn about science. No previous experience is necessary for most of our volunteer events. That said, if you are a scientist, come out and have fun with us. We find that scientists who spend a lot of time indoors love getting outside for field work. We have many retired scientists who help out too.
What do I need to know about working in the field?
Our volunteer work varies both on the land and in/on the water. We will always include information about physical requirements, gear we use, and destination details for each volunteer job so you can plan for opportunities that are a good match for you. We are also big fans of safety. Check out our Field Safety page for important information before you head out to be safe.
It’s also good to know how to prevent spreading aquatic invasive species. We will provide decontamination kits to volunteers but please take a moment to check out our video and field guide for field workers and volunteers.
What if I don’t want to do field work?
No problem. We have office related tasks too. Let us know what you are interested in when you fill out the volunteer sign up form.
How will I hear about volunteer opportunities?
The best way to tune into volunteer opportunities is signing up for our email updates with this Volunteer Sign up form. We post opportunities to our website and Facebook too.