This edition of News to Us covers a local rain garden program and trail efforts. Learn how the Flint water crisis is affecting federal standards. Also a few fun articles that teach about our Great Lakes fish and the value of citizen science.
Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County partner on $192K rain garden program Washtenaw County has a wonderful rain garden assistance program. A new agreement between the County and the City of Ann Arbor secures a continued partnership bringing more rain garden capacity to the City and Ann Arbor residents. Learn more about the program in this article.
Issues Of The Environment: The Continuing Expansion Of The Border To Border Trail Get the latest update on the Border to Border trail that traverses the watershed and for large portions, runs along the Huron River. Several expansions are planned for 2018.
EPA seeks advice on ‘dumb and dangerous’ lead rule See how the Flint Water Crisis, Governor Snyder and Michigan’s DEQ are helping spur consideration at the federal level of drinking water standards for lead and copper.
On the nineteenth day of Fishmas… Follow along on this fun Twitter “holiday” created by a Great Lakes researcher that highlights a new Great Lakes Fish each day leading up to Christmas. Check out the article or go directly to Twitter and search hashtag #25DaysofFish
It is no secret that here at HRWC we value citizen science. Our volunteer collected data informs much of our work and helps us check the pulse of the Huron River and its tributaries. Here are three articles highlighting the value of citizen science for environmental protection.
Researchers ask public for fish guts and the money to study them