There are many ways to improve the Huron River’s health. Our projects focus on restoring lost or damaged habitat, river flow, and vegetation near the shoreline.

Habitat Restoration

Fish Habitat, Ypsilanti

To improve fish habitat, we felled 20 trees into the river, installed a 'rock vane,' and deepened the river bed. Fish have more places to hide from predators, lay eggs, and rest from the current.

Woody Debris Management


Clearing a path for paddlers

HRWC’s trained volunteers manage river blockages and makes the river navigable.

Making Habitat for Wildlife

Our Woody Debris Corps recognizes the important role woody debris has in creating habitat for animals and insects. We balance the needs of paddlers with the needs of wildlife.


We put out a call earlier this year to assist dam owners with completing feasibility studies that could lead to dam removals and a more free-flowing Huron River. Grant funds and foundation dollars are available for river restoration through dam removal, but dam owners are on their own to pay for the engineering and field studies required to assess if dam removal is an option. The City of Ypsilanti is moving forward on a study for the city-owned Peninsular Paper Dam, which is not compliant with state safety standards and must be rehabilitated or removed.

Go here for more information about HRWC’s Dams and Impoundments program


How can this riverside park effectively add programming to encourage use? How can the vegetation in the park be managed for better diversity? This inventory and report provides answers.