This toolkit was created to help land managers and decision makers:
- Understand how climate is changing locally in southeast Michigan
- Understand the implications of how this will affect our local forest and tree resources
- Learn what we can do about anticipated climate change impacts on our trees and manage these resources for climate resiliency
Read the Fact Sheet: Impacts of Climate Change on Tree Species of Southeast Michigan
Toolkit contents
Primer on Climate Impacts and Resiliency Strategies to Tree Species of the Huron River Watershed: Presentation with narrative summarizing the content and products available within the Tree Resilience Toolkit. •Slides Only •Slides with Notes
Review of climate impacts to tree species of the Huron River watershed: Report covers local climate change, impacts to natural resources and an analysis of impacts to tree species native to southeast Michigan. •View Report
GLISA Climatologies summarize local climate change using historical weather data:
- Climatology for the Ann Arbor Station – a summary of historical data to share climate trends from Ann Arbor’s weather station
- Climatology for Southeast Michigan – a summary of historical data to share climate trends in SE Michigan
A review of management options for improving climate resiliency in the Huron River watershed’s forest and tree resources Management Strategies Report & Executive Summary
Annotated bibliography: Further reading regarding resiliency-based management options (see links to documents reviewed in this bibliography at the bottom of this page).
Climate Impacts to Tree Species is summarized in this table and detailed information on each species is available in individual fact sheets:
- Acer negundo — Boxelder
- Acer rubrum — Red maple
- Acer saccharum — Sugar maple
- Amelanchier spp — Serviceberry
- Betula papyrifera — Paper birch
- Carpinus caroliniana — American hornbeam
- Carya spp. — Hickory species
- Celtis occidentalis — Hackberry
- Cercis canadensis — Eastern redbud
- Cornus florida — Dogwood
- Fagus grandifolia — American beech
- Gleditsia triacanthos — Honeylocust
- Gymnocladus dioicus — Kentucky coffeetree
- Larix laricina — Tamarack
- Liriodendron tulipifera — Tuliptree
- Nyssa sylvatica — Blackgum
- Ostraya virginiana — American hophornbeam
- Picea mariana — Black spruce
- Pinus strobus — Eastern white pine
- Platanus occidentalis — Sycamore
- Prunus serotina — Black cherry
- Quercus alba — White oak
- Quercus bicolor — Swamp white oak
- Quercus macrocarpa — Bur oak
- Quercus muehlenbergii — Chinkapin oak
- Quercus rubra — Northern red oak
- Quercus velutina — Black oak
- Sassafras albidum — Sassafras
- Tilia americana — American basswood
- Ulmus americana — American elm