River Cleanups

HRWC works with many community partners to coordinate river cleanups. If you are interested in volunteering for a cleanup or learn how to do one, check out our river cleanup volunteer page here.

Woody Debris Removal

Many believed that logjams were a significant problem in urban rivers and were completely removed from stream channels. New studies have shown that properly managed large woody debris help reduce erosion, provide habitat for fish and wildlife, and are an important part of a river system’s natural processes. It’s been recommend to leave most logjams in place. Woody Debris Management (WDM) is the process of determining whether to move, remove, or add woody debris in a river and how best to do that work. The Clean and Open Method of Woody Debris Management has been specifically developed to give guidance on how to manage logjams, preserving the benefits they provide while minimizing the problems they can create.

We currently have no scheduled trainings for woody debris management. Please contact Jason if you would like to be involved in this project: jfrenzel@hrwc.org or (734) 519-0337.