Join your fellow citizens and be a voice for the Huron River and its watershed throughout its 67 local governments.
Local governments are comprised of people who care about the quality of life in our communities. Anyone can get involved, including you!
Since 2018 HRWC has been providing free Change Makers Boot Camps to teach participants basic information about our local water–how it moves, the life-giving benefits it provides, how it is threatened, and how we can protect it. The Boot Camps also cover how local governments can protect water and how citizens can get involved in the process. So far, 129 people have attended the 2-hour workshop. These Change Makers have taken action by giving feedback on planning policies, writing letters and meeting with their local representatives, supporting millage campaigns for land preservation, and running for election. Some now hold official local government positions.
HRWC Change Makers receive ‘heads up’ information on timely opportunities to protect local land and water. They also become part of a community of citizens who advocate for a healthy Huron River.
Latest News and Calls for Action
You can become a Change Maker too!
- Download HRWC’s Guidebook: Land Use for a Healthy Watershed
- Find out when your local government’s board or planning commission meets and start attending meetings (posted on their website).
- Read your local government’s zoning ordinance or master plan (posted on their website) and use the worksheets in Land Use for a Healthy Watershed to evaluate them.
- Decide how to best affect the change you want to see in your community.
- Email David Lossing, HRWC’s Director of Government Relations to let him know you’d like to become more involved in your local government.
- Tell David that you want email updates and announcements about our Change Makers introductory Boot Camps, more advanced training sessions, and action alerts.
From 2018-2020 the Change Maker Boot Camps were provided with support from the Americana Foundation for HRWC’s efforts to educate and inspire residents to become local leaders in their communities. Now, HRWC’s Innovators Fund supports the program. Please consider donating to the Innovators Fund to keep this action-network active by going here.
Livingston County Master Plan: HRWC's comments
Livingston County Master Plan approved 2018
HRWC’s comments on Master Plan:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Livingston County Master Plan draft. The county plan touches on many issues that are important to watershed health. HRWC is pleased to see these issues addressed in ways that will maintain and improve watershed health if implemented by the county and the local governments within it.
HRWC applauds the attention the plan gives equal credence to both the maintenance of “rural character” and the creation of “urban, walkable communities.” One of HRWC’s key messages is that to maintain the Huron River watershed’s health in the face of increased population, we must change current patterns of development by encouraging higher density where infrastructure already exists, and holding onto our natural areas so they can continue to provide the ecological services necessary to maintain quality of water, air, land, and life. This draft plan provides many goals and strategies that support both livable, sustainable communities and ecologically functioning natural areas and viable farmland.
The plan has resulted from input from residents and officials of the county’s 20 local governments. A word cloud derived from public input events around the county emphasizes rural and natural area protection ideas like trails, growth management, and even more so sustainable urban concepts like mixed use, walkable and vibrant communities, small stores and farmers markets.
HRWC is happy to see all of the following elements addressed in the master plan:
- The intent to inventory greenways, natural areas, and other features that make up the county’s “green infrastructure.” This inventory will help the county plan development in concert, not conflict, with natural areas and working lands.
- The intent to create county-wide master plan and zoning maps. Having a county-wide view will help develop capital improvement, transportation, and other plans.
- Promotion of preserving waterway buffers, with Hamburg and Green Oak townships as models. Natural vegetation buffers are the number one way to keep our rivers and streams clean.
- Support for Wellhead Protection overlay zones over all of Livingston’s municipal water sources. This is important for drinking water protection.
- The intent to encourage non-motorized access in downtown areas. HRWC supports connecting the county with pedestrian and bike paths and utilizing complete streets planning.
- The furthering of Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development efforts. HRWC can provide assistance to the county and its local governments with natural and constructed Green Infrastructure opportunity maps on township county scales. HRWC has created natural GI maps/plans for Unadilla and Putnam townships, and a GI workshop and visioning session is planned for Hamburg Township.
- The goal to create model ordinance language addressing impervious surface and stormwater.
- Language addressing protection of shorelines.
- The inclusion of the LID evaluation tool from the Center for Watershed Protection, and HRWC’s Citizens Guide to Land Use Planning, although the guidebook has been updated and is now called Land Use for a Healthy Watershed (https://www.hrwc.org/wp-content/uploads/HRWC-CGLUP-spiral-bound-11118-sm.pdf). The guidebook also includes updated checklists that are mentioned in the second bullet on page 57. Here are suggested edits for that section:
- “HRWC encourages……….they have published a quide book called “Land Use for a Healthy Watershed” that provides ………The guidebook covers a myriad of subjects such as watersheds, groundwater, and impervious surface, and provides checklists similar to the Code and Ordinance Worksheet listed above, for planning commissioners and citizens to review their zoning ordinance and master plan for water quality and natural area protections.
- “HRWC also provides workshops for local governments to create Green Infrastructure natural area networks (link: https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/green-infrastructure/green-infrastructure-planning-for-local-governments/ ) to help target land preservation and planning efforts. Unadilla, and Putnam [and maybe Hamburg by the time of publication] have already created Green Infrastructure maps through these workshops.”
- Promotion of environmental conservation and clean energy.
- The goal of mixed use, affordable housing, and equity. HRWC has a similar goal of encouraging local communities to adopt such smart growth policies, which further water quality and natural area protection with smaller lots, reduction of impervious surfaces, and walkability.
- Promotion of clean energy. Climate change is a major threat to the watershed; communities must turn to clean energy to stave off rising temperatures and increased flooding we are already seeing.
HRWC is gratified to see information from our web site in the plan. Here are updated links:
- Guide to LUP: https://www.hrwc.org/wp-content/uploads/HRWC-CGLUP-spiral-bound-11118-sm.pdf
- Recommended master plan and zoning ordinance elements:
- Bioreserve map: https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/natural-area-assessments-and-protection/
HRWC would be happy to work with the county and its local governments to meet these goals. HRWC can provide resources for:
- Mapping for the county-wide approach to land use opportunities and constraints
- Developing innovative land use tools for land protection and water quality. For instance, HRWC has had discussions with some communities about creating Transfer of Development Rights programs. HRWC is creating a tool kit for local communities considering enacting natural area and farmland millages.
- Furthering stormwater Green Infrastructure. HRWC has created a Stormwater GI Opportunities map for Washtenaw County. A similar map for Livingston County could be created.
- Developing a model Stormwater/impervious surface ordinance
- Mapping for parks and recreation and greenways and other conservation lands
- Creating a conservation/park/trail collaborative
- Infrastructure and place making efforts
- Hazard mitigation. HRWC can provide guidance on incorporating hazardous mitigation planning to address vulnerability to climate change impacts (flooding, heat, drought)
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to review the county plan.
Kris Olsson, HRWC
Past Change Makers Updates
Get past editions of our Change Makers Update.
Master Plan Revision Dates
This table lists every local government, the date of their current plan, and the date they should (or should have) start revising and updating it. State law requires local governments to revise/update their plans every 5 years.
Salem Master Plan: HRWC Comments
Pam Merlo, Chair
Salem Township Planning Commission
Dear Ms. Merlo,
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Salem Township Master Plan draft. The master plan touches on many issues that are important to watershed health. HRWC is pleased to see these issues addressed in ways that will maintain and improve watershed health if implemented by the township.
HRWC applauds the attention the plan gives equal credence to both the maintenance of “rural character” and the creation of “urban, walkable communities.” One of HRWC’s key messages is that to maintain the Huron River watershed’s health in the face of increased population, we must change current patterns of development by encouraging higher density where infrastructure already exists, and holding onto our natural areas so they can continue to provide the ecological services necessary to maintain quality of water, air, land, and life. This draft plan provides many goals and strategies that support both livable, sustainable communities and ecologically functioning natural areas and viable farmland.
HRWC was pleasantly surprised to find an entire section addressing Land Preservation. This is rare or possible unknown in other Michigan local governments. The section sets forth goals for preservation of agricultural and natural lands, which is key to maintain surface and groundwater quality in the township as well as communities downstream.
HRWC is happy to see all of the following elements addressed in the master plan:
- Promotion of preserving stream corridors. Natural vegetation buffers are the number one way to keep our rivers and streams clean.
- The intent to encourage non-motorized access. HRWC supports connecting communities with pedestrian and bike paths and utilizing complete streets planning.
- The goal to create model ordinance language addressing impervious surface and stormwater.
- The goal of mixed use, affordable housing, and equity within the Urban Services District. HRWC has a similar goal of encouraging local communities to adopt such smart growth policies, which further water quality and natural area protection with smaller lots, reduction of impervious surfaces, and walkability.
HRWC would be happy to work with the township to meet these goals. HRWC can provide resources for:
- Mapping and providing field assessments of natural area properties the township is interested in learning more about to further their land preservation goals.
- Mapping natural features
- Developing innovative land use tools for land protection and water quality, such as a Transfer of Development Rights program.
- Developing a land protection or Purchase of Development Rights millage program. HRWC has just published a tool kit for local communities considering enacting natural area and farmland millages, and we will be hosting workshops this summer. This is available at https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/advocacy-and-policy/millage-toolkit/
- Developing a model Stormwater/impervious surface ordinance, and other model ordinances
- Mapping for parks and recreation and greenways and other conservation lands
- Creating a conservation/park/trail collaborative
- Infrastructure and place making effor
The attached Salem Township Master Plan Worksheet, which is part of HRWC’s Land Use For a Healthy Watershed Guidebook (available on our Change Makers web site at https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/advocacy-and-policy/changemakers/ ), details HRWC’s review and comments.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to review the master plan.
Kris Olsson
Salem Master Plan: Worksheet filled out by HRWC
Northfield Master Plan: HRWC Comments
Larry Roman, Chair
Northfield Township Planning Commission
Dear Mr. Roman,
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Northfield Township Master Plan draft. The master plan touches on many issues that are important to watershed health. HRWC is pleased to see these issues addressed in ways that will maintain and improve watershed health if implemented by the township.
HRWC applauds the attention the plan gives equal credence to both the maintenance of “rural character” and the creation of “urban, walkable communities.” One of HRWC’s key messages is that to maintain the Huron River watershed’s health in the face of increased population, we must change current patterns of development by encouraging higher density where infrastructure already exists, and holding onto our natural areas so they can continue to provide the ecological services necessary to maintain quality of water, air, land, and life. This draft plan provides many goals and strategies that support both livable, sustainable communities and ecologically functioning natural areas and viable farmland.
HRWC was pleasantly surprised to find an entire planning section for Land Preservation. This is rare or possible unknown in other Michigan local governments. The section sets forth goals for preservation of agricultural and natural lands, which is key to maintain surface and groundwater quality in the township as well as communities downstream.
HRWC is happy to see all of the following elements addressed in the master plan:
- Promotion of preserving stream corridors. Natural vegetation buffers are the number one way to keep our rivers and streams clean.
- The intent to encourage non-motorized access. HRWC supports connecting communities with pedestrian and bike paths and utilizing complete streets planning.
- The goal of mixed use in the Whitmore Lake Village area. HRWC has a similar goal of encouraging local communities to adopt such smart growth policies, which further water quality and natural area protection with smaller lots, reduction of impervious surfaces, and walkability.
HRWC would be happy to work with the township to meet these goals. HRWC can provide resources for:
- Mapping and providing field assessments of natural area properties the township is interested in learning more about to further their land preservation goals.
- Mapping natural features
- Developing innovative land use tools for land protection and water quality, such as a Transfer of Development Rights program.
- Developing a land protection or Purchase of Development Rights millage program. HRWC has just published a tool kit for local communities considering enacting natural area and farmland millages, and we will be hosting workshops this summer. This is available at https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/advocacy-and-policy/millage-toolkit/
- Developing a model Stormwater/impervious surface ordinance, and other model ordinances
- Mapping for parks and recreation and greenways and other conservation lands
- Creating a conservation/park/trail collaborative
- Infrastructure and place making efforts
The attached Salem Township Master Plan Worksheet, which is part of HRWC’s Land Use For a Healthy Watershed Guidebook (available on our Change Makers web site at https://www.hrwc.org/what-we-do/programs/advocacy-and-policy/changemakers/ ), details HRWC’s review and comments.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to review the master plan.
Kris Olsson
Northfield Master Plan: Worksheet filled out by HRWC
Top Zoning Changes: Webinar & Powerpoint
Coding for Communities: A Pragmatic Guide to Zoning Reform
Cities and towns across America are running into obstacles to their placemaking and revitalization strategies. Often a municipality’s zoning codes and ordinances make it illegal to create the type of vibrant communities that support jobs, foster economic development and are attractive places for people to live, work and play.
Every unit of local government could benefit from changes to their code, if only these were scaled and adaptable to their resources and capacity.
The Smart Growth Network and the Congress for the New Urbanism held this webinar highlighting CNU’s Project for Code Reform on July 17, 2019. The project seeks to streamline the code reform process by providing local governments with place-specific incremental coding changes that address the most problematic barriers first, build political will, and ultimately create more walkable, prosperous, and equitable places.
The webinar video features Lynn Richards, President and CEO of CNU, and Susan Henderson, Principal at PlaceMakers, LLC, discussing how incremental code reform can meet planners, mayors, and planning commissioners where they are: politically, financially and administratively.
Top 10 Planning Elements HRWC resource for local governments
Slide show HRWC gave at the 2019 Michigan Association of Planners Conference
Chelsea, Lima and Sylvan Green Infrastructure Planning Doc
Articles and links
Local government has an important role for water quality protection: Part 1, Michigan State University Extension