Communities, large and small, have the ability to take measures to protect water quality and regulate the activities that contribute to flooding. Some of these measures are:
• Shoreline vegetation cover restrictions
• Floodplain regulations
• Stormwater control ordinances
• Building and septic field setbacks
• Impervious surface restrictions

Zoning ordinances are among the most effective flood prevention measures. Communities concerned about preventing increased flooding and protecting floodplains should consider ordinances that:
• Prohibit construction of buildings and facilities subject to floodplain water damage
• Require flood-proofing for existing buildings
• Remove flood-prone structures
• Establish construction standards for floodplain development
• Protect natural vegetative cover
• Require tree and shrub planting to prevent erosion
• Restrict dredging, filling, dumping, and/or backfilling
• Avoid land divisions that create parcels or lots that cannot be used
• Require flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance program
• Create an overlay zone within prescribed setbacks to regulate development
and floodplain use based on the severity of the flooding hazard
• Require permits to be secured from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment before granting approval for any floodplain development activity