In the summer, HRWC will launch a new project called RiverUp! with the Wolfpack, an action-oriented group of conservation-minded leaders who operate together under the auspices of the National Wildlife Federation and Michigan League of Conservation Voters. RiverUp! is nothing short of a renaissance for the Huron River that encompasses three broad objectives —
You’ll learn more about this ambitious project in the coming months. We have a long list of projects that need to happen in order to make paddling the 100 miles of the Huron River an awesome experience (learn about the Huron River Water Trail). But we began small this past weekend with opening up the portage trail at the Superior dam in Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti.
Our friends at Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, Alpha Phi Chapter (University of Michigan), helped us kick off RiverUp! by volunteering their afternoon to improve the neglected portage trail at Superior dam. The students used loppers and handsaws to clean out overgrown branches and remove small stumps; raked the trail; marked the edges of the trail with logs found onsite; and removed litter. Their youthful enthusiasm powered them through the afternoon until the job was complete.
The work day was Phase I for the Superior dam portage. HRWC and Wolfpack are working on Phase II, which will bring much-needed improvements to the take-out and put-in. To learn more about the efforts at Superior dam portage, the RiverUp! project, or how to become a steward of the Huron River Water Trail, contact HRWC Watershed Planner Elizabeth Riggs.
Thanks to the City of Ann Arbor Natural Areas Preservation (NAP) program for loaning tools and gloves; St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital for meeting and parking space; and John Carver and Ray Pittman for pitching in.