A heart felt thank you to HRWC’s 2022 Summer Interns! This amazing group of young professionals shows great promise for our shared future. The group included students from Eastern Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, Oakland University, Smith College, University of Michigan, and University of Wisconsin.
During their summer with HRWC, they spent hundreds of hours monitoring stream erosion in the Ypsilanti and Belleville area to gather data for the Lower Middle Huron Management Plan. They also surveyed the spread of the aquatic invasive plant European Frogbit in the Novi area. Other projects included research and data analysis, rain garden maintenance, youth snorkeling with the YMCA, youth education with our STEM education program, chemistry and flow monitoring, biological habitat assessments, and starting a new partnership with Ypsilanti’s Parkridge Community Center. Join us in giving them a big round of applause!
A special thank you to Mary Crockett, our Pure Oakland Water Nonprofit Communications Intern who produced, filmed and edited our “Intern Interviews from the Field Video.” And to Kyle Martin, Wesley Garant, Sam Antonich and Laura Edwards for sharing why they joined the internship program, what projects they worked on and their takeaways from the summer!
Aaron Hutka
Alia Kirsch
Anna Horning
Bryon Banman
Cade Person
Emily Johnson
Gabrielle Samways
Laura Edwards
Lena Kennedy
Lucy Baker
Kyle Martin
Maaike Wielenga
Mary Crockett
Meghan Couture
Melissa Dunsmore
Nikita Hahn
Ruowen Wang
Sam Antonich
Sharon An
Sofia Giannosa
Supra Kuchibhatla
Susan Shell
Wesley Garant