The House of Representatives passed HR 2018, the so-called Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011, by a vote of 239-184. To see how your Member of Congress voted check HERE. You can also access additional information on all of the votes on HR 2018  by clicking on and following the prompts.

The New York Times also published an excellent analysis of the HR 2018 vote that can be found through this link:

The Administration has stated its strong opposition to HR 2018 and has indicated that the President will veto this bill (in its current form) if it reaches his desk. We also hope it does not have the same misguided support in the Senate. The Huron River Watershed Council is signing on to a letter from clean water groups across the country in opposition to this bill.

Thanks to all of you who called your Representatives. Take a look at the HR 2018 vote. It is key to thank the  clean water champs who stood firm and said NO to Dirty Water. For the Members of Congress who sided with polluters and supported HR 2018, let them know that “I support Polluters” is not a good campaign slogan!