HRWC Board and staff voyaged up to the headwaters in Oakland County last Tuesday for a beautiful walk in the woods and dinner with Board and staff from Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy and North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy. Six Rivers Board member Jim Lloyd and his wife Mary opened up their gorgeous house and cooked a delicious dinner for over 35 people. Jim led the group on a walking tour of his mature forest and wetland. Afterwards, the conservancies and HRWC shared their ideas about how we can work together on protecting those natural lands critical to maintaining the ecological health of the Huron River. “HRWC has expertise in ecology, water science, and GIS computer mapping, and the conservancies are experts as making the deals for permanent protection of natural lands. This partnership will bring our strengths together,” HRWC Executive Director Laura Rubin explained. The conservancies will use HRWC’s Bioreserve Map and field assessment to connect with natural area property owners and gather information about those natural lands to target for permanent preservation.