Get Outdoors and Support the Huron River!
We need volunteers to join our natural area field assessment teams!
Get outside, meet new people, learn about our local natural areas and help out HRWC’s Bioreserve Natural Areas Assessment program! HRWC is seeking field volunteers to help inventory ecologically important natural areas in the watershed.
Volunteer teams will be conducting rapid ecological assessments of grasslands, forests, wetlands, and aquatic habitats throughout this spring, summer and fall. Each visit is like a nature hike through a new woods or wetland.
The 2016 season marks our nineth field season; volunteers have so far assessed over 300 properties throughout S.E. Michigan. These efforts have helped protect over 6,000 acres of land in the watershed. Land conservancies and community preservation programs use the data gathered to promote permanent protection of those lands identified as the highest quality and most important for protection of the Huron River. Come to our program introduction and training on
May 14, 2016
10 am to 4 pm
at Independence Lake County Park, in Whitmore Lake