We need your help. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has issued draft revisions to cleanup criteria for public comment. If accepted, the draft revisions will strengthen the State’s clean-up criteria for various pollutants. We urge you to submit comments asking the State to immediately adopt the draft. Business interests are opposing this draft even though they have had a seat at the table during development of the current draft revisions to 300+ toxins, including the 1,4 Dioxane. The public comment period runs through September 13th. More information about the revision is available on their website.
Please submit your comments to DEQ-RRDCriteria@michigan.gov
Here is some suggested text for comment.
“I am writing to express my support of Michigan’s Generic Cleanup Criteria Proposed Rules Revisions. This criteria is long overdue. In the interest of public health, I urge you to adopt the criteria. <your name, city/town, MI>”
For more information on the dioxane groundwater contamination in Washtenaw County please see these websites:
Coalition for Action on the Remediation of Dioxane
It is important to note that these revisions are long overdue. The State Legislature voted to complete these revisions by December 31, 2013. This and subsequent “new deadlines” have been missed, and 2 consecutive mayors of Ann Arbor have been promised these regulations would be changed by multiple “dates certain” that have passed us by. Please make written comment (or attend the public hearing in Lansing on September 12) urging the MDEQ to immediately adopt these public health regulations which are based on the best science agreed upon throughout the stakeholder engagement process.
Every voice counts! Please submit your comments today to DEQ-RRDCriteria@michigan.gov.