Check out these opportunities to protect the Huron River and clean water.
Fighting Climate Change in Oakland County
This Spring Oakland County took a big step in combating climate change by committing to develop a community-wide sustainability plan and an energy audit of its own municipal operations. The County will hire a sustainability officer to oversee the work. Change Makers who would like to get involved in advocating for climate change in Oakland County can contact the Oakland County Climate Campaign for more information.
Fighting Climate Change in the Ann Arbor Area
Ann Arbor has the premier climate action plan—A2Zero! The city is implementing the plan at breakneck speed, with these and many other initiatives, many of which welcome participation beyond the city borders:
Solarize group-buy program: learn about solar with neighbors and friends and join a purchasing group to reduce costs.
Heat Pumps and Electrification: A2Zero offers workshops and is soon launching a bulk-buy discount program for this new way to heat your home with zero carbon! Email A2Zero staff Julie Roth for more information.
10,000 Trees Initiative: the city is offering free trees to its residents! Change Makers can urge their own local governments to partner with the city to do this for their own residents.
Ann Arbor Township has declared their intention to end township-wide greenhouse gases as quickly as possible and to convert township buildings and operations to be carbon neutral. Change makers can urge their own local governments to pass a similar resolution
Wixom Needs Change Makers to Get Involved
The City of Wixom has several openings on their Boards and Commissions Including the BEAUTIFICATION Committee. Please click HERE for a list of vacancies. Please click HERE for an application. Call the Wixom Clerk’s Office for more information: (248)624-0865.
Scio Township Needs Comments on New Draft Master Plan
The comment period on Scio’s draft master plan is open until August 23. Put those Change Makers Master Plan worksheets to good use! Check out the draft and submit your comments!
Scio Township is Forming an Environmental Sustainability Task Force
The Scio Township Planning Commission is seeking diverse Scio residents and business owners, representing all parts of the Township, who would like to contribute their environmental knowledge and passion to the Planning Commission’s newly forming Task Force on Environmental Sustainability. A perfect job for a Change Maker!
Email a letter of interest and a resume or description of your qualifications to Planning Commission Chair Jan Culbertson by July 12.
Is Your Community “Smart and Walkable”?
Check out the EPA’s Smart Location Mapping products to determine where in our watershed we need to focus efforts to improve housing and transportation design to create compact communities that will preserve water quality and climate resilience.
Thank you!
Kris and Jason
Change Makers provide a voice for the Huron River and its watershed by becoming involved in their local governments to encourage water protection.