Check out these opportunities to become a voice for the Huron River and clean water.
Become a Clean Water Ambassador
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Office of the Clean Water Public Advocate is seeking members of the public to serve as clean water ambassadors who will advise EGLE on drinking water issues.
“Engaging Michigan residents so that they can help shape state and local efforts to provide clean drinking water to all Michigan families is at the heart of our mission,” said EGLE Clean Water Public Advocate Ninah Sasy. “We are excited to launch this effort to bring new and diverse voices from the community to the table and look forward to hearing their ideas on how we can make cleaner drinking water for all Michiganders a reality.”
Hamburg Change Makers
There is a new draft Master Plan for Hamburg Township which is under reivew until the township sets a public hearing. Use HRWC’s Master Plan Worksheet to review and provide input. Here is HRWC’s review of Hamburg’s draft master plan. Go to Hamburg Township’s web page and help us keep up to date on when the public hearing will be. Attend the public hearing and advocate for river-friendly elements.
Pinckney Change Makers
HRWC worked with Village of Pinckney council members, planning commissioners and staff to create a Green Infrastructure network map. It will be included in their new master plan! Keep your eye on Pinckney’s website for announcements of the draft plan.
Register to Vote Absentee
In Michigan, we can now vote absentee with no excuses! Absentee voting allows you to vote by mail. Learn how to vote absentee from the Michigan Secretary of State.
Master Plan Reviews!
Hello Change Makers. Here is your chance to use HRWC’s Master Plan worksheet! The following communities are in the midst of their master plan reviews. Click on the community to find details.
Ypsilanti Township
Scio Township
Brighton Township
Livingston County Wins Award!
The Livingston County Planning Department has received an American Planning Association Award of Merit for their master plan. Read HRWC’s comments on the master plan under More Resources at the Change Makers web page.
How Walkable is Your Community?
Learn how easy it is to walk, bike or take transit to amenities like ice cream, groceries, entertainment, etc. in your community from Walkscore.
Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are going Carbon Neutral!
The cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and Washtenaw County have committed to carbon neutrality by 2030 and 2035, respectively. Get the adopted Ann Arbor Carbon Neutrality Plan (version 3.0) and check out a listing of related community events for learning more at A2Zero.
Hamburg Township is looking for help!
Become a member of Hamburg Township’s Flood Prevention Committee which works to reduce flooding and help homeowners. Hamburg has experienced severe flooding over the years along the Huron River as well as on Ore Lake. Change Makers who have learned about land use and water quality could provide an important perspective and input.
EGLE Offers Local Leaders Webinar Series
EGLE has launched a series of recorded webinars dedicated to helping Michigan’s local officials and community leaders gain a better understanding of EGLE and the environmental regulations that affect their communities. Some discuss local government issues as they relate to State regulations.
Please let us know when you submit feedback on any of these issues to your local government. We want to know how it went!
Thank you!
Kris and Jason
Change Makers provide a voice for the Huron River and its watershed by becoming involved in their local governments to encourage water protection.