Welcome to another update to HRWC’s Change Makers
It’s Time to Review and Give Feedback on Ypsilanti Township’s Draft Master Plan
Here is your chance to use that Master Plan worksheet! Review the Ypsilanti Township 2040 Master Plan here (it’ll take a moment to load). Here is the message from the township inviting public comment:
In accordance with Public Act 33 of 2008 (the Michigan Planning Enabling Act), as amended, the Charter Township of Ypsilanti Planning Commission has prepared an updated Master Plan, and is pleased to present it for your review. The Michigan Planning Enabling Act provides affords you 63 days to review the document and provide comments on the draft plan. We welcome your input. Please send written comments to the Ypsilanti Township Planning Commission, care of the Office of Community Standards, at the address below, or electronically to Charlotte Wilson, Planning and Development Coordinator at: cwilson@ytown.org.
Your consideration and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Charlotte M. Wilson, AICP, Planning and Development Coordinator, Office of Community Standards (734-485-3943, Tilden R. Stumbo Civic Center,7200 S. Huron River Dr., Ypsilanti, MI 48197)
Hamburg Township is Still Working on their Master Plan
You can review the current master plan, find out about their review process, and leave comments here. Their new draft should be ready for review very soon!
Check Out these Webinars for Tips on Improving Your Community’s Codes and Ordinances
We’ve been catching up on some planning webinars from the Smart Growth Network and the United State Green Building Council — Here are some highlights:
- Local governments can enroll in the LEED for Cities and Communities program to improve their zoning. A recent webinar describes how Las Vegas, Baltimore, and Los Angeles County have created plans based on LEED
- The AARP has a great web site of resources for local governments. Many communities need to start planning for a different demographic than the traditional nuclear family, as the senior and childless singles and couples population is growing.
- Check out the Smart Growth Network webinars here.
Congratulations to Livingston County for Earning a Master Plan Award
Livingston County has received an award from the Michigan Association of Planning for their new master plan.
The Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan is for a comprehensive or general plan that advances the science and art of planning. The award honors America’s most famous planner, Daniel Burnham, for his contributions to the planning profession and to a greater awareness of the benefits of good planning. The nomination for this award focused on the following project criteria: originality and innovation; quality in presentation and methodology; stakeholder engagement; implementation and effectiveness; and promotion of planning.
The Best Practice award is for a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process. This category emphasizes results and demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices help to create communities of lasting value. The nomination for this award focused on the following project criteria: originality and innovation; implementation and transferability; stakeholder engagement; and effectiveness and results.
EGLE Offers Local Leaders Webinar Series
Check out these webinars, which discuss local government issues as they relate to State regulations. You can listen to the recordings of every webinar and sign up for upcoming ones here:
Please let us know when you submit feedback on any of these issues to your local government. We want to know how it went!
Thank you!
Kris and Jason
Change Makers are residents who have chosen to become a voice for the Huron River and its watershed by becoming involved in their local governments to encourage watershed-friendly land use planning and policies.