Welcome to another update to HRWC’s Change Makers.
Change Makers are residents who have chosen to become a voice for the Huron River and its watershed by becoming involved in their local governments to encourage watershed-friendly land use planning and practices.
- Advanced Change Makers Session coming up! February 21: “How to Review your Master Plan.” Stay tuned for more details
- Salem Township has just published their draft revised master plan. If you are a resident, take a look and use the worksheets provided in Land Use for a Healthy Watershed to submit your comments!
- There is still time to give your feedback on the draft master plans for the cities of Wixom and Dexter, and Northfield, Hamburg, and Ypsilanti townships.
- Save the Date! MSU’s Water School is coming to the NEW Center! HRWC will be co-hosting the 2-day course, May 13 – 14, at the NEW Center. Experts from MSU Extension will delve deep into all the topics we only have time to touch upon at the Boot Camp.
Thank you!
Kris and Jason