Welcome to another update to HRWC’s Change Makers.
Change Makers are residents who have chosen to become a voice for the Huron River and its watershed by becoming involved in their local governments to encourage watershed-friendly land use planning and practices.
- Advanced Change Makers Session coming up! February 21: “How to Review your Master Plan.” In this session we will be reviewing a master plan and detailing suggestions for improvement. There will be pre and post homework, which will be mailed to you after registration. This session is primarily for individuals who have gone through HRWC’s Change Makers Boot Camp, but is open to all HRWC supporters. Register here
- Salem Township has just published their draft revised master plan. If you are a resident, take a look and use the worksheets provided in Land Use for a Healthy Watershed to submit your comments!
- Livingston County Change Makers – the new draft County Parks & Open Space Plan is up for review until March 12.
- There is still time to give your feedback on the draft master plans for the cities of Wixom and Dexter, and Northfield, Hamburg, and Ypsilanti townships.
- New DEQ Webinar Series for local officials: the first one on February 21, 1 – 2pm, will be on PFAS
- Save the Date! MSU’s Water School is coming to the NEW Center! HRWC will be co-hosting the 2-day course, May 13 – 14, at the NEW Center. Experts from MSU Extension will delve deep into all the topics we only have time to touch upon at the Boot Camp.
Thank you!
Kris and Jason