This past Wednesday we hosted our first guided nature walk of the summer. With the help of Washtenaw County’s Environmental Manager, Harry Sheehan, we learned of the efforts to restore Malletts Creek. The project will improve water quality and habitat while maintaining safe, stable drainage throughout the Malletts Creek basin.
The location for our walk was County Farm Park in Ann Arbor. The restoration in County Farm Park was a part of a larger project to protect Malletts Creek and the Huron River. The watershed of Malletts Creek drains a majority of south and southwest Ann Arbor, and is a large source of phosphorus inputs and high flows. The restoration was targeted to reduce stormwater flows and phosphorus inputs. The walk was very informative, and it was exciting to see the results of the project in person. If you haven’t visited County Farm Park in a while, make sure do to so. The park contains community gardens, hiking trails, and a very modern play area for children.
We have two more guided nature walks planned this summer:
Saturday, June 22 at 10 AM, Lower Huron Metro Park, Paw Paw Nature Trail, Belleville, MI
Tuesday, July 9 at 5:30 PM, Mill Creek Park, corner of Main St. and Jeffords, Dexter, MI
Free, all ages. Registration required.
For more information on these events and others click HERE.